A happier new year

Joy Toshare


2023 is now yours.

Does anyone else feel incredibly optimistic with the start of a new year? 

We're buzzing. And so we're sharing inspo to help carry that feeling forward. Here are some resources to create positive changes in our moods, lives and communities. 

Good News Only

News on the telly is never going to leave you full of hope and joy. Change the channel. Tune in to some of the positive things going on in the world.

1. Reasons To Be Cheerful shares positive stories from around the world. We especially love their feature on '183 ways the world got better in 2022.'

2. Focus on what is going well in the world on the Positive News website. Be inspired by your fellow humans each day.

3. Stargaze - any time. 100,000 stars website lets you look around the universe when you need some perspective
. Trust us, this is pretty good. 

The Sounds of Optimism

Perhaps you prefer to lie back on your sofa of an evening and absorb inspiration with your eyes closed?

1. The Goodniks offers 10 conversations with regular people trying to make the world a better place. 

2. Insight Timer is a free app and website full of meditations, talks, courses and live events from all over the world and all walks of life. Content comes from buddhist monks to celebrity DJs, California girls, and everything in between. 

3. Get Happier with Gretchen Rubin explores good habits and insights to help us understand what makes us happy and how? 

The Top 10 Happy List

What makes humans happy? The good news is within our hotels we're able to provide quite a few of these items. If you feel a bit low, put this list to the test.

1. Sleeping in a freshly made bed

2. Feeling the sunshine on your face

3. Spending time on a hobby that you love

4. Volunteering, giving back to the community

5. Snuggling on the sofa

6. Tucking into warm, freshly baked bread or cake

7. Exercising - especially outdoors

8. A fresh cup of tea or coffee

9. Playing with your pet

10. The clean feeling after a shower

Happy New Year from all of us at Point A!

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